In an immersive two-floor set designed by renowned events artist Adam Aleksander, revelers were treated to 1920s-style jazz-age music courtesy of the 12-piece jazz band Michael Arenella and His Dreamland Orchestra. Overhead, an aerialist perched in an illuminated crescent moon, dropping wine “love notes” by parachute.
While many revelers arrived dressed to impress—in red and white attire, of course—others took inspiration from a fascinator station, where they had their makeup done to match the theme, and elaborate head hairpieces applied right on the spot. There was also a sketch artist, who roamed about, roving photographers with Polaroid cameras in tow, and a most popular “boudoir photo booth.”
Toward the midpoint of the evening, Wine Enthusiast Publisher and Editor Adam Strum took to the stage, thanking Wine Enthusiast readers for making the past 25 years worth celebrating.
Guests raised their glass, shouting even more raucously as a barrage of glittery confetti rained down, and the band played on into the night.