Over a six-month period, a team of artists, designers, and programmers worked together to create an experimental party experience that is surely not to be forgotten – regardless of the severity of the hangover. We wanted this experience to be fun, engaging, and a departure from the conventions that have long limited the interactions between partygoers and their environment. We embrace the playful and wild energy of the people in party mode. We digitize this energy. Then we project it, loop it, arrange it, reverse it, clone it, wiggle it, thrust it, etc. There is nothing we can’t do with it. It vanishes as fast as it appeared. And while this is being beamed at a grand scale in front of the crowd, we are creating a party experience weird enough that it is able to plant itself deep within the cerebral cortex – at a depth that no amount of alcohol can scramble.
While we like the idea of creating an experience that lives on in the mind of the partygoers well after the final call, our motivation for creating this installation was simple – smiles. We believe smiles are the overlooked metric for evaluating a successful party. More smiles, better party. In an idealistic future, we suspect that entry for events will be free, and payment will be made thereafter for each of your smiles. Smiles are the currency of the party future. Our installation is nothing more than a bit of technology optimized to generate as many smiles per second (SPS) as possible. If we could charge per smile, we would be rich.
Boing Boing // GIF Dance Party lets you get down with all your favorite loops
The Daily Dot // Gif Dance Party Is the Most Friday Thing on the Internet
Insomniac // GIF Dance Party Injects New Life Into Party Visuals
Future of Storytelling // Join the Digital Dance Party
Prosthetic Knowledge // GIF Dance Party IRL